Personal<span> digital assistant for organizing</span> events

Events management and ticket selling platform to help event organizers
swiftly create landing pages and start selling tickets.

Organizers Page

Create a mobile-optimized page featuring your domain and a comprehensive showcase of your events and artists. Enjoy an intuitive filtering system for easy navigation.

Our pages are designed with special elements for review services such as TripAdvisor, Google Maps, and Facebook.

Events Page

Build a speedy, mobile-friendly event page in just 30 minutes. Kickstart your ticket sales with the support of 50+ preconfigured payment methods. Incorporate user interface and IT best practices for a seamless user experience.

Artist page

Craft a page showcasing artists, their events and awards, with a user-friendly filtering system for easy event discovery. Our pages also feature special design elements tailored for Spotify, Apple Music, SoundCloud, and YouTube widgets.

Ticket Buyer Profile

Your profile is more than a collection of events – it's your personalized hub. As an organizer, send exclusive promotions and discounts directly to your customers' profiles. Plus, they can easily share their favorite events or promotions with friends, building a lively community experience.

Analytics and Reports

Use a flexible data visualization system spanning three levels: your company, your event, and your tickets. Access over 50 key metrics for your business, available for visualization from the moment you open the page to tracking repeated sales.


Access automated promotion tools for your customers list and use the opportunity to manually send special offers and coupons via email or WhatsApp. Additionally, utilize API integrations with FB analytics, Google Ads, TikTok Ads and more for precise tracking of your Return on Marketing Investment (ROMI).

phone mockup

our happy customers

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Our service allows venues to create following things without involving developers:

A dedicated ticket sales page enables payments in various currencies, including cryptocurrencies. Present your events on a stylish, user-friendly showcase that loads quickly.

Maintain full control over finances through comprehensive analytics and a transparent commission structure.

Take advantage of a vast network of promoters and use built-in email and social media marketing tools for additional income, no developer team required.



Timing is crucial for events business. Our service enables you to create sleek landing pages and showcases in just 30 minutes that load rapidly on mobile devices.

With support for over 30 languages, multiple payment methods and fast loading speeds, we ensure the highest conversion and revenue from your event pages and showcases.

A large base of promoters and built-in email and social media marketing tools allow you to get additional income without involving your venue’s dev team.



Set up an artist personal page in 15 minutes with no developers involved, having the opportunity to sell tickets worldwide both through advertising and by pinning a link on your social media channels to a stylish showcase across 30+ languages and multi payment support.

Access to the best venues, reliable organizers and direct communication with your loyal audience through built-in promotional email and social media tools and integrations.

Marketing Teams

Marketing Teams

We have an advanced referral affiliate program through which integrators and CPA marketers can earn up to 20% of our revenue.

Bring venues, organizers and artists to our service through personal sales or through referral links and receive payments automatically for 2 years!

Our advanced affiliate program system allows you to conveniently create referral links and coupons, track stats and more!

You have an event and you need selling ticket yesterday? Registration now and make money today!

our payments solutions

How to start selling tickets to your events.


Register your main account with all permissions


Build a workspace for your needs


Invite your teammates and choose roles


Start setting up your first event page


Publish your page and start selling tickets


Register your main account with all permissions


Our artist



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You have an event and you need selling ticket yesterday? Registration now and make money today!